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Xylene Power Ltd. provides technical expertise related to climate change and the development and implementation of non-fossil energy production and storage technologies.
FNR Power Ltd. owns proprietary intellectual property relating to spheromaks, atomic particle properties and nuclear energy production.
Canadian Phone: 905 473 1704
Email: CSLRhodes@gmail.com
Email: Charles.Rhodes@xylenepower.com
Email: Charles.Rhodes@fnrpower.com
Charles Rhodes, P.Eng., B.Sc., M.A.Sc., Ph.D., is the Chief Engineer of Xylene Power Ltd. and FNR Power Ltd. (Formerly known as Micro Fusion International Ltd.) Dr. Rhodes has more than 50 years of physics and engineering experience that includes development, manufacture, installation, operation and maintenance of: distributed energy control and mechanical equipment monitoring systems for major buildings, thermal energy storage systems, pipelines, high efficiency boilers and grid connected behind-the-meter electricity generation systems.
Dr. Rhodes has been an intervenor and expert witness in Ontario Energy Board (OEB) electricity rate hearings. He has also been an expert witness in Alberta Energy Board (AEB) hearings relating to wind generation and buried sour gas pipe lines. He has supported various parties in interventions relating to interprovincial and interstate pipelines.
Other work by Dr. Rhodes has been in the areas of engineering education, engineering management, corporate management, power line carrier, RF, VHF, and UHF communication systems, microcontrollers, microprocessor and microcontroller programming for real time control, electricity and heat metering, electricity rate and regulatory issues, wind generation, fluorescent lighting, solid state device fabrication and characterization, high vacuum systems, cryogenic physics, semi-stable plasmas, nuclear waste disposal, fast fission and fusion reactors, biofuels and the physics of climate change. Much of his recent work has been related to liquid sodium cooled modular fast neutron reactors for mitigation of climate change.
Dr. Rhodes has broad experience that spans almost all aspects of energy.
Julia Rhodes, actress, singer, artist, show host,
feature film and web video producer, digital marketing expert
South Africa Phone: 011 27 72 108 0328
Email: JuliaRhodesactress@gmail.com
2024 Chicken Curry in a Hurry a 17 minute Youtube video written, produced and directed by Julia Rhodes
2023 Recent Awards as Head of Social & Digital at Iconic Collective
2023 Iconic Collective Makro Social Media Campaign - Bookmarks 2023 Award
2023 Commercial Jingles
2023 Voicing educational videos for the Toronto Centre on 'Financial Regulations and Barriers to Financial Inclusion'
2022 The Ultimate Guide To Social & Digital Trends In 2022
2021 Crack the Facebook Algorithm in 7 Steps
2021 CallBrief App
2020 Development of digital marketing strategy for ToysRUs in South Africa
Christmas 2020 campaign case study
2020 Social Media Marketing and Advertising Trends You Need To Know (12 pages)
2019 Radio Advertisement for Coronation Investments
2019 2 U Video Voice Artist
Playing the Mom, Dotty Thompson, to the lead boy in My Little Vampire
2018 Social Algorithms - Win the Platforms By Julia Rhodes
2018 Julia's video promoting career training with Standard Bank
2017 Adidas Influencer Campaign involving famous South African athletes and fitness gurus
2017 Julia's voiceover in a Publix pharmacy advetisement
2017 The Little Vampire 3D - Voiceover - Julia is the blond mother
2016 The Declining Attention Span of Social Media Users and How to Engage Them
2016 Thermo Fisher Scientific PCR Introduction
2016 Future Movers Summit bank training program
2016 Upgrading GE and Maersk websites
2016 Miran Media is an International Content Agency, based in Africa, Asia and Europe.
2015 A beginners guide to social media advertising
2015 Facebook ads 101
2015 Facebook Twitter are adapting to mobile video streaming
2014 Viral video campaign produced by Julia Rhodes (view count over 4 000 000)
During 2013 - 2014 Julia worked with Al Jazeera/Lifelines producing disease control videos for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
She also had character roles in South Africa produced TV serials such as SAF3.
2013 Al Jazeera anchor Julia Rhodes promoting work of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
2012 Julia Rhodes in TV series Supernatural
20190 Kennedy Road,
Sharon, Ontario
L0G 1V0
Attention: Charles Rhodes
Phone: 905 473 1704
Email: Charles.Rhodes@xylenepower.com
(formerly known as Micro Fusion International Ltd.)
Huntington Castle,
County Wexford,
Republic of Ireland
Attention: Moira McCaffery, Director
Irish Phone: 011 353 5393 77552
Email: moiramccaffery@gmail.com
Charles Rhodes, P.Eng., B.Sc., M.A.Sc., Ph.D., is Chief Engineer of Xylene Power Ltd. and FNR Power Ltd. Dr. Rhodes is both a physicist and developmental engineer. He completed his B.Sc. requirements in Honours Physics at Simon Fraser University in 1968. Then in 1969, at an extraordinarily young age, he became a senior instructor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Toronto. He completed his M.A.Sc. requirements in 1971, became a professional engineer in 1973 and completed his Ph.D. requirements in 1974. In 1974 he was a co-founder of a group of companies later known as ADMIC.
Dr. Rhodes has had past hands on experience with:
a) Design and construction of RF, HF, VHF and UHF communications equipment;
b) Cryogenic and plasma physics;
c) Solid state device fabrication and characterization;
d) Design, manufacture, programming, installation, operation and maintenance of distributed computer systems for: power management, energy storage, equipment monitoring and environmental control in major buildings;
e) Design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of: energy metering equipment, commercial condensing boilers and co-generation systems;
f) Utility rate matters as they relate to major buildings and to behind the meter electricity generation and energy storage systems
g) Company organization and management.
Since 2003 Dr. Rhodes has been involved in:
a) Commercial lighting control;
b) Fossil fuel pipeline safety;
c) Wind generation;
d) The Ontario Power Authority Integrated Power System Plan;
e) Astrophysical analysis of climate change;
f) Used nuclear fuel recycling and interim storage;
g) Design of dependable and interruptible electricity rates;
h) Design of liquid sodium cooled fuel sustainable fast neutron reactors;
i) Urban siting of modular low pressure fast neutron reactors for both electricity generation and district heating;
j) Water source heat pumps for use in major highrise buildings;
k) Promotion of sustainable nuclear fuel cycles;
This web page last updated January 18, 2024.
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